Knock Knock…

poems. Poetry. Surbhi Agarwal, Rajasthan. Random_hearttalks

Waiting. Waiting. Waiting.
Sometimes we keep on waiting
for that one opportunity
to come knocking at our door.

Knock. Knock. Knock.
And when it does,
we don’t dare to open that door.
Why? You ask.

Doubting. Doubting. Doubting.
Because we doubt our potential.
We doubt those infinite “What if”
Doubting what if we fall
instead of rise!!
But you know what!?

Regrets. Regrets. Regrets.
Regret of not trying is
worse than failures.

Close. Close. Close.
Close the door of doubting
and open that door for opportunities
And if opportunities doesn’t come knocking at your door.

Knock. Knock. Knock.
Don’t forget,
You can too go and
knock the door of opportunities.

© Random_hearttalks (Surbhi)

Photo by Dima Pechurin on Unsplash

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About the Author

Surbhi Agarwal

Content and Creative Writer | Storyteller | Podcaster.
Writing and making Podcast under the pen name 'Random_hearttalks'

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