Who Will Cry When You Die? – Book Review

Who will cry when you die by robin sharma. Book reviews. Book review by surbhi agarwal, rajasthan.

About the Book

Title: Who Will Cry When You Die?          
Author: Robin Sharma        
My Rating: 4/5
Pages: 225 Pages     
Availability: Paperback, E-book and Audiobook
Genre: Non-Fiction, Self-Improvement    
Best For: Everyone (including beginners)            
Publisher: Jaico Publishing House

Get your copy – Buy Here (Amazon IN), Buy Here (Amazon US)

“If you don’t act on life, life has a habit of acting on you. The days slip into weeks the weeks slip into months and the months slip into years. Pretty soon it’s all over and you are left with nothing more than a heart filled with regret over a life half lived.”


“Who Will Cry When You Die?” – The book which will lead you to live a more fulfilling life – A life with minimum or no regrets.

In this book, the author, Robin Sharma, offers 101 simple lessons to live by. There are numerous ways you can use these solutions in your daily tasks. Throughout this book, Robin Sharma explores a variety of topics, such as taking more risks, practicing forgiveness, why listing your problems matter, why you should be more than your moods, and many more.

Besides, Robin Sharma has organized these 101 solutions into 101 short chapters to make it easier for readers to follow. These chapters are simple to read through, so you can absorb as much wisdom as you desire.

However, one thing to keep in mind while you read “Who Will Cry When You Die?” is that this is not a self-help book that can entirely assist you in improving in one aspect of life. Instead, this is a book that will introduce you to various areas of life where you can make and adopt positive changes.

Why did I pick up this Book?

Honestly, because of the title, ‘Who will cry when you die?’ How often do we all ask ourselves, ‘If I die right now, will anyone truly grieve my passing?’ So, when you come across the book titled just what you thought the nth number of times, it automatically grabs your attention.

Those who take more chances and dare to be more and do more than others will naturally experience more failures.

What did I like about the Book?

  • To begin with, the book discusses a broad range of topics. In this book, you will find lessons that you might already follow in your life. Also, the lessons/solutions you will find insightful and worthwhile to try to integrate into your life. Depending on your understanding, some lessons are self-explanatory, while others will require independent research on your part.

  • In addition, the language used by Robin Sharma is quite simple and easy to understand.

  • Furthermore, the book is structured into 101 short chapters, making it a quick read. Nonetheless, even if it is a quick read, I recommend that you should not rush through it. To effectively absorb the suggested solutions, read four to five chapters daily.

  • Finally, throughout the book, Robin Sharma quoted several sayings from various figures and thinkers. It enhanced the book’s value.

What did I dislike about the Book?

Fairly, what is there to dislike about a well-written book that provides you with a wide range of life-improving options? Either you accept them, attempt them and modify your life, or you agree to them, give them a shot, and decide against incorporating them into your life. Or you humbly disagree with them. As a result, there is nothing in particular that I dislike about the book ‘Who Will Cry When You Die?

At the end of the day, the only thing we can take with us are our memories of all those great life experiences that add meaning to our lives.

What did I learn and take away from this Book?

Following are a few things I learned from this book:

  • Even the tiniest improvement in your life counts. The combination of these seemingly small but significant changes in your life is what allows you to lead a fulfilling life.

  • It is a fact that negative news sells. Therefore, despite how enticing it may seem to expose oneself to negative news, you must be a selective news reader in the environment when it is all around you.

  • Finding your place of peace is vital, no matter who you are or where you are in your life journey. We can all use a little time to recharge and find a deeper level of connection with ourselves and our surroundings.


To conclude, ‘Who Will Cry When You Die’ is a well-crafted book by Robin Sharma. The book includes 101 solutions to your simple and complex problems. As a book divided into 101 manageable chapters, you can use this book as a guide for a better life. Furthermore, this book is ideal for everyone, particularly those looking for specific areas to improve in order to be a better version of themselves. In other words, it is ideal for people who want to get better but are unsure of where to begin.

Author’s Note:
Hello, Reader! I hope this book review might have helped you in any way. If you want me to review any other book, let me know in the comment section. Also, if you have any other question to ask or anything to say, feel free to reach out to me!

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About the Author

Surbhi Agarwal

Content and Creative Writer | Storyteller | Podcaster.
Writing and making Podcast under the pen name 'Random_hearttalks'

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