How To Step Outside Your Comfort Zone – Book Review

How to step outside your comfort zone book review. Review by Surbhi agarwal, rajasthan

About the Book

Title: How To Step Outside Your Comfort Zone              
Author: Maxim Dsouza
My Rating: 4/5
Pages: 19 Pages
Availability: E-book
Genre: Self-improvement, Personal development
Best For: Anyone who now wishes to step outside their comfort zone         

Get your copy – Buy here (Amazon IN), Buy here (Amazon US)

Comfort zone is the place where you aim for just enough results so that they do not hurt.

Dsouza, Maxim. How to Step Outside Your Comfort Zone (Lean Productivity Books) (p. 4). Kindle Edition.


‘How to step outside your comfort zone’ by Maxim Dsouza is a part of the Lean Productivity Book Series. The author started this series because he believes actionable habits are what drive changes, and it’s true. But full-fledged self-help books of 200-300 pages are hard to complete as they require a considerable amount of time to finish the book. Hence, these lean productivity books by Maxim Dsouza are a maximum of 15-25 pages.

Moving forward, as the name suggests, how to step outside your comfort zone is a book all about comfort zone. The book talks about:

  • What is a comfort zone?
  • Why is it dangerous?
  • What are examples of the comfort zone?
  • How can you get out of your comfort zone, etc.?

Why did I pick up this Book?

It is a self-help book of 19 pages. 19 pages! What more reason does anyone want to pick this book up? I have never read a self-improvement book this compact. Naturally, I was excited and curious to know what this book holds.

Even if people know they have a problem, the trouble it causes needs to reach a threshold before they start acting.

Dsouza, Maxim. How to Step Outside Your Comfort Zone (Lean Productivity Books) (p. 15). Kindle Edition.

What did I like about the Book?

  • First of all, ‘How to step outside your comfort zone by Maxim Dsouza’ is a short, precise and to-the-point book. Unlike other self-help books, this one stays focused on one topic, namely Comfort Zone, rather than extending the broad topic into subcategories. The book is short, but the author covers everything about the comfort zone you can think of.

  • Secondly, I liked how the author, Maxim Dsouza, structured the book. He first talks about what a comfort zone is. Then, he discusses why it is dangerous and what are examples of comfort zones. After that, he shares different ways and tips on how to step outside our comfort zone. Based on your obstacle, a goal in action, and your personality, you can choose among those given ways that you want to try out.

  • Then, the book indeed contains practical and actionable habits/ways/tips to help you step out of your comfort zone. Yes, you won’t be able to step outside your comfort zone immediately. But as the book is compact and to the point, you can easily finish this in half an hour and prepare yourself to take action.

  • Also, the author included links to blogs, articles and other books related to the context whenever needed. So, if you want, you can access these links and learn more about them. Lastly, the language used in the book is simple and easy to understand.

What did I dislike about the Book?

Personally, I like to read full-fledged self-help books with lots and lots of examples, including personal trial-and-error stories. Hence, I missed that while reading this book. Besides that, there was nothing I disliked about the book.

The act of doing what feels uncomfortable to you seems impossible at first. But with practice, the discomfort reduces little by little. Over time, you’ll feel comfortable being uncomfortable. That’s when you have broken the shackles of your comfort zone.

Dsouza, Maxim. How to Step Outside Your Comfort Zone (Lean Productivity Books) (p. 18). Kindle Edition.

What did I learn and take away from this Book?

One significant learning I took away from this book is – Do not go deep into every little decision you have to make. Not every decision you have to make requires all your time and energy. At times, take a leap of faith. Either you end up learning something, or it will be the right decision.


To sum it up, “How to Step Outside Your Comfort Zone by Maxim Dsouza,” is a good, compact, well-structured self-help book. For me, it did refresh a few of my previous learning and beliefs. For example, whenever I struggle with making any decision to go beyond my comfort zone, I always ask myself – “Would I be able to handle the worst-case scenario?” If yes, I go for it, even if it means stepping outside my comfort zone. The author talks about this technique as well in the book. So, I recommend this one to anyone who is a lazy reader or to someone who struggles with completing self-improvement books. Go for it if you want to read everything about Comfort Zone in one single place.

Author’s Note:
Hello, Reader! I hope this book review might have helped you in any way. If you want me to review any other book, let me know in the comment section. Also, if you have any other question to ask or anything to say, feel free to reach out to me!

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About the Author

Surbhi Agarwal

Content and Creative Writer | Storyteller | Podcaster.
Writing and making Podcast under the pen name 'Random_hearttalks'

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