Book Review: You are the best wife by Ajay K Pandey

Book review of You are the best wife by Ajay K Pandey.Random_hearttalks. Surbhi Agarwal.

About the Book

Title:               You are the Best Wife
Author:           Ajay K Pandey
My Rating:     4/5
Pages:             248 pages
Availability:    Paperback, E-book and Audiobook
Genre:            Romance
Best For:        Everyone (including beginners) who enjoys reading a love tale.
Publisher:      Srishti Publishers & Distributors

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Based on the Author’s life, “You are the Best Wife” is a true love story. The story revolves around the two characters – Ajay K Pandey and his beloved, Bhavna. Two people fall in love, regardless of their different backgrounds and very different outlooks toward life. Nevertheless, they didn’t let anything destroy the beautiful bond they shared. They together overcame every obstacle life set in their path, from adjusting their relationship to standing up to their parents for marriage acceptance.

However, Life play unfair at times; destiny flips in a moment. When the unfortunate happened with Bhavna, and she left her beloved unexpected – Ajay had to be tough for himself and their families. Whilst doing this, Bhavna’s words were always with him, even when she left him physically. She lived in his heart, and she always will; this book is enough proof for that.

Ajay K Pandey wrote this book to make Bhavna’s memories immortal. Undoubtedly, he became successful in doing so. Now, Bhavna is alive in every reader’s heart who picked it up for a read.

Why did I pick up this Book?

I picked this book up because of two reasons mainly,

  • First, the crazy positive ratings are everywhere. The reviews for this book are generally positive no matter where I discover it. It’s almost like everyone who read ‘You are the Best Wife by Ajay K Pandey,’ is emotionally connected and attached to the book. (And now I know why!)

  • Second, the fact that it is based on true events. Yes, the storyline is nothing exceptionally unique. Yet, the emotions Ajay K Pandey has shown while penning down this book are exceptional. It is not easy to let the world read your heart.

What did I like about the Book?

  • The author didn’t try to add filtered emotions, instead, he tries to convey his raw feelings and sentiments. It is, in a sense, one of the rawest romance books I’ve read so far. 

  • As Ajay K Pandey wrote this book directly speaking from his heart, the language is quite simple – nothing fancy. It can count as a pro and also a con depending on what writing style you like to read. Nevertheless, the simple language used in the book effortlessly makes it one of the best books beginners can try.

  • Although the author wrote this book in the simplest way, there are a few beautiful lines said by Bhavna and Ajay that surely catches attention. Here, I am sharing what I loved the most:

“Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.”

“Some celebrate their silver jubilees, some celebrate golden ones and some may score a century, but life cannot be evaluated on the basis of the number of years spent alive. The quality of life is what matters, not the quantity.”


  • The first part of the book is lively, filled with humor and happy moments, unlike the second part. Additionally, the author chooses to give two endings to the book. One is a fictitious ending, and the other is a real ending. 

    A fictitious ending is for the readers who believe in Happy endings or for readers who are not comfortable with reading about death.

    The actual ending of the book is based on the real-life events of Ajay K Pandey, the destiny of Bhavna and Ajay. It is for the readers who believe in endings beyond happy ones. So, being the person who believes in happily welcoming millions of emotions ever after, I read the actual ending. It is indeed the most sensitive part of the book.

What did I dislike about the Book?

While I appreciated the simple language the book used, some instances left me wondering, ‘This was unnecessary to include it.But again, as I said, it is a book that contains a lot of raw moments and emotions, so it also includes some raw thoughts, which might not feel settling to everyone.

What did I learn and take away from this Book?

  • Life flips in a moment. You never know what’s going to happen at the very next moment. So, start cherishing every moment to cherish life truly. Cherish your happiness and cherish your sadness. Cherish your Achievements and cherish your setbacks. Cherish every moment you spend with your loved ones, and cherish the moments you spent with the people whom you left behind because of one reason or another. Cherish everything!

  • Sometimes, to feel motivated in life, it is not only about the words that are being said to you. It’s more about who is saying those words, even if these are the words you already knew.


Overall, I loved reading ‘You are the best wife by Ajay K Pandey’

It successfully caught my attention and heart. It is one of those books, which is directly written from the writer’s heart and reaches directly to the reader’s heart. I recommend this book to everyone who enjoys reading a romantic love tale with a roller-coaster ride of emotions.

Author’s Note
Hello, Readers! Hope this book review must have given you a little insight about the book. If you want me to review any book, let me know in the comments section.

Till then, Happy Reading!

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About the Author

Surbhi Agarwal

Content and Creative Writer | Storyteller | Podcaster.
Writing and making Podcast under the pen name 'Random_hearttalks'

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