Book Review: The Law of Attraction by Laura Carter

Law of attraction book by laura carter - book revie

About the Book

Title: The Law of Attraction           
Author: Laura Carter
My Rating: 3/5
Pages: 252 Pages
Availability: Paperback, Audiobook, E-book and Hardcover
Genre: Romance
Best For: People who loves to read “Grumpy guy and Sunshine girl” stories.
Publisher: Boldwood Books
Trigger Warning: Yes, book includes instances like abuse, abortion, etc.


Drew Harrington – a legal shark, a hotshot Manhattan Attorney who knows exactly what he wants and is determined to achieving it. However, obstacles await him. The journey to reach where he wants to is sure not an easy one.

Becky Fletcher – a simple Patisserie Chef who carries a not-so-simple past with her. A past that not many know. Love is not something she is looking for. What she is looking for is at least one friendly face in a cold city.

And when these two meet, sparks do fly. But none of them allows themselves to feel these sparks. They are, after all, constrained by their wants. One doesn’t want any distractions to achieve what he wants, whereas the other one is looking for just a friendly face. Can these two be friends…or just friends, though? Well, you have to read the book to find out that! #NoSpoilers *wink*

Moving forward, the story basically falls under the ‘Opposite Attracts” concept. Moreover, the book is mainly from the male point of view.

Why did I pick up this Book?

Well, the answer to this is pretty simple. Reading opposite attract genre books is my guilty pleasure. So, I went ahead and bought the book.

What did I like about the Book?

  • The language used in the book is easy to understand. There is no flashy vocabulary. I personally like books with simple vocabulary.

  • Almost 90% of the book is in male P.O.V. It was refreshing to read a book from the male perspective, to be honest. Not many books concentrate on that. And even if they do, it is just three or four chapters in male P.O.V. Here, in this book, this is quite the opposite. Also, Drew’s relationship with his family and friends was the sweet part of the book.

  • I like the cover of the book. It is nice and cute.

What did I dislike about the Book?

  • ‘Friends with Benefits’ and ‘Situationship’ – This book covers these two well. Though, I still don’t understand why we created this concept of Situationship. So yeah, both MCs (Main characters) were so confused about what they wanted from one another that they kept toying with their relationship.

  • Even though I appreciated the fact that the book is mainly from a male perspective. I still missed reading more from Becky’s perspective to know more about her and not just to know her through a few flashbacks we get from her point of view.

What did I learn and take away from this Book?

It is something I learnt in life a long time ago. And this book served as a reminder for me of that. So, here it is –

In any relationship, not just romantic relations, the thing which feeds the misunderstandings most is ‘Assuming’ – Talk, just talk. Let your feelings have words and let them out, not necessarily in front of all, but in front of the person in concern.


Overall, ‘Law of Attraction Book by Laura Carter’ is an easy read, yet heavy read for some people. So, if you are not comfortable reading about abuse, abortion, etc. – you can skip this book. And if you are really into the Grumpy Sunshine or Opposite Attracts genre, you can pick this book up for a quick read. For my part, I won’t say expect much from this book. It just does the work.

Author’s Note:
Hello, Reader! I hope this book review might have helped you in any way. If you want me to review any other book, let me know in the comment section. Also, if you have any other question to ask or anything to say, feel free to reach out to me!

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About the Author

Surbhi Agarwal

Content and Creative Writer | Storyteller | Podcaster.
Writing and making Podcast under the pen name 'Random_hearttalks'

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